
Habanos Concierge

Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia is offering variety of choices concerning the best Habanos cigars and consultancy about all the details in serving them all packed in a professional manner. The service includes recommendations about the cigar pick up according the case and personal preferences, providing useful cultural background and in-depth knowledge to widen the perception of how a Cuban cigar should be enjoyed. Just ask.

Habanos Sommelier

The know-how of Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia dedicated team is rich in tastings and pairings and may switch even the most pre-fined personality into a passionate follower of the Cohiba Atmosphere concept. Matching cigar taste with a selected drink is not just a matter of outstanding combination but is a culture to develop beyond the well-known and provoke enthusiast for merging within new experiences. Just try.

Habanos Specialties Waiting List

The clients willing to obtain any Habanos special cigar editions are now able to place their request and be the happy owners of one of the most rare Habanos masterpieces. Due to the limited quantities of those products, the Waiting List service is the fair option to receive the internationally acknowledged Habanos specialties at Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia. Just order.

Habanos Lockers

True Habanos enthusiasts have their Lockers full of the so called “black gold of Cuba” almost all around the world. Now Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia offers Single and Double Locker service to those in a need of adequate storage of their Habanos cigars within cedar wood humidor with best humidity and rotation that cigars need for their optimum safe-keeping. Terms and conditions apply. Just trust.